Enterprises deal with a lot of papers in their day-to-day activities. Many
of these papers are company confidential documents and many are legal
documents with a statutory requirement that they be preserved for a
pre-specified number of years. During the course of time, there is a need
to (a) obtain copies of these papers; and (b) modify the contents. Such
frequent handling of papers may reduce the life of the papers and lead to
statutory violations. A system for automatic indexing and retrieval of
paper documents involves (a) storing paper documents in a secured manner
in both hard and soft forms; (b) indexing of both forms of the stored
paper documents; (c) retrieving soft form of a paper document for display
and copying; (d) retrieving hard form of a paper document for
modification and removal; (e) managing multiple versions of the paper
documents; and (e) access control and audit trailing. It is essential to
maintain consistency between hard and soft forms, and image processing
techniques are deployed to ensure consistency between hard and soft
forms. Another form of consistency that is required to be ensured is the
correct cataloging and indexing of paper documents. This is achieved by
comparing input information with the contents of the cover page of a
paper document to account for human input errors.