System, method, computer program and computer program product, and business model for rapid tenant screening, recommendation, and conversion of data to lease documents. Provides structure and method for entering data from application to rent real estate for rapidly acquiring credit and screening from servers for the prospective tenant, passing information through a computer program that evaluates financial criteria, and presenting decision whether or not to accept tenant. Manager enters information about property and terms of lease, and automatically converts tenant credit information into leasing for signatures that will serve as legal basis for tenancy. Lease and credit information are all stored on central computer, remotely accessible for both on-site and off-site management to view, and controlled by access security protocol. Tenant rent and lease information is automatically entered into tenant files, viewable remotely, so that there is a real-time view of tenant status for those with permission to access information.


< Transaction signature

> Method of and system for effecting anonymous credit card purchases over the internet

~ 00433