A machine for placement on the fingertips of players of stringed instruments with which the strings will picked or plucked. Designed as a set, the two picks do not collide as the musician moves his or her fingers to pick the stringed instrument, The abrasion of the interior of the picks, prevents pick slippage, even when worn comfortably loose, The forefinger pick is designed with a unique diagonal wrap that may be adjusted to fit a range of finger sizes, The middle finger pick is designed with wings that provide a gap which allows the adjacent pick to touch the skin of the middle finger instead of allowing metal to touch metal, The forefinger wrap is placed to avoid the metal of the middle finger pick and instead touch the skin of the middle finger, and The shank (the tip portion) may be adjusted or bent to the conformation desired by any given musician.

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< String instrument with a detachable neck

> Bass guitar stand up adapter

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