A method for designing Wavelets for communications and radar which
combines requirements for Wavelets and finite impulse response FIR
filters including no excess bandwidth, linear performance metrics for
passband, stopband, quadrature mirror filter QMF properties, intersymbol
interference, and adjacent channel interference, polystatic filter design
requirements, and non-linear metrics for bandwidth efficient modulation
BEM and synthetic aperture radar SAR. Demonstrated linear design
methodology finds the best design coordinates to minimize the weighted
sum of the contributing least-squares LS error metrics for the respective
performance requirements. Design coordinates are mapped into the optimum
FIR symbol time response. Harmonic design coordinates provide
multi-resolution properties and enable a single design to generate
Wavelets for arbitrary parameters which include dilation, down-sampling,
up-sampling, time translation, frequency translation, sample rate, symbol
rate, symbol length, and set of design harmonics. Non-linear applications
introduce additional constraints. Performance examples are linear
communications, BEM, and SAR.