A leadless intravascular sensor (100, 200) uses the body tissue as a
communication medium. The implantable intravascular device has a tubular
stent-like structure (102) for intravascular fixation with embedded
microcircuits to allow bipolar and unipolar sensing of cardiac and
neurologic electrical activity, sensing of other physiologic signals,
local electrical stimulation (cardiac pacing and defibrillation;
neurologic stimulation and seizure therapy) as well as the ability to
communicate with other implanted and non implanted devices via radio
frequency and/or optical communication and/or analog signal communication
using the body tissue as the conducting medium. The device can also be
used in the extravascular or perivascular space. In this form, it has an
open/flexible ring that can be adjusted, or self-adjusts to provide no
pressure or required contact around the vessel or target region.