An apparatus and method for producing tissue slides is disclosed. The
apparatus includes a holding assembly for manipulating the sample block,
a blade assembly for preparing a thin section from the sample block, and
a transfer roller mechanism for transferring the thin section to a
receiving medium. The apparatus further includes a controller that may
track the sample block and thin section. The method includes the steps of
first locating a sample embedded within a support medium, which may be
paraffin or a similar medium. Next, the embedded sample is oriented in
such a way that its working surface is presented. This orientation may
entail determining the orientation of the embedded sample with respect to
the blade that will produce the largest cross-sectional area. Next, a
slice of the sample from said embedded sample is removed and subsequently
transferred to a suitable receiving medium, which may include a
microscope slide. The slices may be stained, and a representation of the
slice may be captured by an image capture device. The sample blocks may
be transferred to a holding device, where they may be indexed and stored.