Techniques for detecting optical spectral properties of a target are
described. The technique includes providing an optical carrier which has
an optical frequency bandwidth which is narrow compared to the width of
the narrowest spectral feature of the target to be determined. This
optical carrier is then electro-optically modulated with an RF frequency
chirp, creating an optical chirp probe beam with a frequency chirped
optical spectrum having upper and lower frequency chirped sidebands that
have amplitudes sufficient to be detected at a detector. The sidebands
are frequency bands arranged symmetrically around the optical carrier
frequency. The attributes of a sideband include a start frequency,
bandwidth and chirp rate. A probe beam is generated with the sidebands
and directed onto a target having a physical property with optical
frequency dependence. An optical response signal resulting from an
interaction between the probe beam and the target is detected. The
optical frequency dependence of the physical property of the target is
determined based on the optical response signal and the attributes of the