The connection of devices for wireless service is typically a tedious
process that involves the user in the minutia of an underlying protocol
used by a wireless adapter. The present invention enables users of
wireless devices to configure a service by automatic connection through
the use of a local environmental indication of an identification code
such as a barcode. A service is a labor carried out among a group of two
or more devices for the benefit of one or more devices in the group.
Exemplary services are: one-way file transfer, two-way file transfer,
broadcast service, registration of peripherals such as printers or
scanners, news aggregation, event notification, email service, calendar
update, etc. An indication of an identification code is input to at least
one device representing a service over a wireless link among at least a
first and second device. At least one service relationship such as
sender, receiver, transceiver, or relay is identified for each of a first
and second device, and the devices are automatically configured into
their respective service relationships utilizing the identification code.