An optically-excited atomic frequency standard that subjects alkali metal
atoms (111) to circularly-polarized optical radiation. The atomic
frequency standard is improved by the use of a circular polarizer (202)
to control the intensity of the circularly-polarized optical radiation.
The circular polarizer includes a linear polarizer (203) and a
quarter-wave retarder (205), with the light to be circularly polarized
passing first through the linear polarizer (203) and then through the
quarter-wave retarder (205). In the atomic frequency standard, the
optical radiation (105) to which the circular polarizer (202) is applied
is itself linearly polarized, and the intensity of the circularly
polarized light produced by the circular polarizer (202) is controlled by
rotating (303) the circular polarizer. The degree of rotation determines
how much of the linearly-polarized optical radiation passes through the
linear polarizer, and thus how much circularly-polarized light is