A new form of DHTML behaviors, called "Element Behaviors," wherein a
behavior component is bound to an HTML element, and not just attached to
the element as with attached behaviors. A special processing instruction
is used to import the Element Behavior into a Web page. Upon parsing the
Web page, the Element Behavior is initialized as soon as it has been
downloaded and parsed. This immediate initialization makes the Element
Behavior declaratively available to bind synchronously to the element(s)
it is modifying. A viewLink is a feature of Element Behaviors that
permits encapsulation of a behavior component file (e.g., an HTC file) so
that the structure of the HTC file is transparent to a Web page ("primary
document") to which the HTC file is linked, but the content of the HTC
file may be displayed in the primary document. The viewLink provides a
pointer to the content in the encapsulated HTC file, and renders that
content in the primary document, without incorporating the elements of
the encapsulated HTC file into the primary document structure.