The unique folding child vehicle seat (10) includes a seat back member
(12) and a seat bottom member (14) that is pivotally connected thereto.
The seat bottom (14) is pivotally connected to the seat back (12) in the
unique location of a selected distance from the bottom edge of the seat
back member. A support member (42) is provided proximal to the bottom
edge of the seat back (12). The seat bottom member (14) is pivotable
between a closed position where the lower surface of the seat bottom
member (14) rests on the support member (42) to provide a unique
cantilevered seat configuration. Vertically oriented plates (32a, 32b,
34a, 34b) provide an internal framework for added strength. Also, the
seat (10) may be of a non-folding configuration where L-shaped vertically
oriented plates (202a, 202b) provide the internal framework.