The invention relates to the representation, independent of access type, of ISDN accesses (PRA, BRA) in the central core (cVst) of a packet-oriented exchange (P-Vst). By adapting the signaling information transmitted by ISDN accesses in a peripheral unit (PE) it is possible to handle different ISDN access types as a uniform access type in the central core (cVst) of the packet-oriented exchange (P-Vst). The adaptation can be performed for example with the aid of a conversion table for the user data references and call references contained in signaling messages. The invention has the advantage of providing a simple, low-cost, low-overhead representation of ISDN data in the central core of the packet-oriented exchange (P-Vst). Changes such as e.g. a concentration of the user data channels can be carried out easily and flexibly by the network management (NetMg).


< Combined caller and agent endpoint manager

> Micro modem

~ 00439