For optimizing Internet access resources, an apparatus and computer-like
readable medium for sharing network access capacities across Internet
service providers is disclosed. According to an apparatus comprising
means adapted for carrying out a method for sharing network access
capacities between a master Internet service provider, the method of the
invention, a client service provider (CSP) may hire accesses to points of
presence belonging to a master service provider (MSP) while maintaining a
constant security level and providing connection accounting means. When a
CSP's subscriber sends an access request to a MSP, the MSP analyzes the
subscriber's realm and checks the capacities allocated to the
subscriber's CSP. If connection is allowed, the MSP sends an
authentication request to the CSP. If the subscriber is authenticated,
the MSP launches an accounting process based on the subscriber's realm
while the CSP may launch an accounting process associated with the
subscriber identifier. Thus, the MSP does not need to maintain a database
comprising information relative to the CSP's subscribers.