The invention relates to a reusable device for creating a model or
reproducing a subject manually from life (3D subject) or by means of
scaled or non-scaled duplication (flat or cylindrical subject).
The inventive device comprises an overhead transparency (1) which has been
pre-perforated to form a regular distribution of holes (1.a) over the
entire surface thereof and a not-perforated overhead transparency (2).
Said two overhead transparencies are stacked on top of one another such
as to enable a subject (3) to be aimed and reproduced. A first drawing is
divided into two complementary layouts (6/1) and (6/2). Depending on the
case, the layout (6/1) can be used as it is (without being transferred)
or it can be transferred to a support (7). The result (8/7) is obtained
through the overhead transparency (1) which is put alone on the support
(7), by drawing again over the layout (6/1). The device also comprises
other components.
The inventive device is suitable, in a non-limiting manner, for
preparatory sketches for drawing and painting and for creating charts for
counted cross-stitching.