A multi-well assay plate structure (54) and assay apparatus and a method
for performing chemical biochemical assays is described. The multi-well
assay plate structure (54) defines a relatively shallow substantially
enclosed space (71) above a plurality of wells (76), with the enclosed
space (71) having an inlet (72) and an outlet (22) separate from the
inlet. Fluid introduced via the inlet (72) flows into the space (71)
and/or wells (76) by displacing air. Withdrawal of the fluid via the
inlet (72) or outlet leaves fluid in the wells (76) allowing various
tests to be performed. Various embodiments of the structure are
described. The preferred arrangement embodies the structure on a
transparent plastic disk which can be used with automatic fluid handling
apparatus (80) and the results assessed using optical assessment
apparatus (81). The apparatus can be used to perform a variety of assays
but, in particular, biochemical/chemical assay, immunoassays and genetic
(DNA) assays and it can be used in a laboratory for multiple sample
testing or at a point-of-care, i.e. in a surgery or clinic.