Color transmissive displays have historically used only backlight for
forming the color image, and have not used ambient light. Usually, such a
display is not used in bright sunlight, since the color image becomes
washed out. Transflective color displays form an image by reflecting
ambient light or by transmitting backlight, and can be used in bright
sunlight. The transflector in such displays reflects the ambient light
while also transmitting the backlight. The requirements on the
transflector, however, are different from those used in monochromatic
displays. According to the invention, a color transflective display
device uses comprises a transmissive display unit having a viewing side
and a back side and defining picture elements. A structured transflector
is disposed to the back side of the color display unit. The structured
transflector includes a structured surface and a layered dielectric
reflector disposed over the structured surface.