Provided is a mAb-based method for the detection of T cell stimulatory
epitopes known to be involved in CD. The method has many advantages
compared to the existing methods for the detection of gluten since it is
the first method that can; (i) detect T cell stimulatory epitopes of
gluten; (ii) detect the epitopes separately, (iii) detect T cell
stimulatory epitopes present on gliadin and glutenin homologues present
in other cereals also known to be involved in CD; and (iv) detect T cell
stimulatory epitopes on both intact proteins and small protein fragments.
The new method is a valuable tool in the screening of basic ingredients,
semi manufactured ingredients and food products that are intended to be
used in the gluten free diet of CD patients. Moreover the new method can
also be used for the screening of cereals and different wheat varieties
for the level of toxicity for CD patients. Thereby the method can help in
the selection of cereals and wheat varieties with low toxicity which
might form the basis for future breeding programs. In the future these
cereals will be used for the production of safe food for CD patients.