A device for treatment of plantar fasciitis and/or Achilles tendonitis
that comprises: (a) a calf strap removably engagable to the calf of a
leg; (b) a foot assembly removably engagable to the foot of the leg such
that when the device is worn the assembly can be positioned proximate to
the ball of the foot intermediate to the midfoot and forefoot areas of
the foot to secure it to the foot; and (c) a substantially inelastic
tension member connectable between the calf strap and the foot assembly
in a tensioned mannersuch that when the device is worn the plantarflexion
of the ankle is limited such that the plantar surface of the foot is held
in a neutral to slight dorsiflection.
Also, a method of treating plantar fasciitis and/or Achilles tendonitis
that comprises applying a such a device so as to maintain the plantar
fascia and other structures on the plantar surface of the foot in a
neutral to slight dorsiflection.