A method and system for routing service calls made from lines resold to a
competitive service provider includes advanced intelligent network and
standard switching functionality. The call may be made into an AIN
service switching point (60) or a non-AIN switch (62-64). All calls are
routed to an AIN hub (190), such as a service switching point, via a
trunk group. The AIN or non-AIN switch may access a line class code table
(160-164) to determine the proper routing information. Calls made from
resold lines are routed to the AIN hub (190). Once the call is routed to
the AIN hub, a trigger (187) provisioned on the AIN hub and assigned to
the incoming trunk group causes the hub to suspend the call and launch a
query to a service control point (200). The query includes the directory
number of the resold calling line and the originally dialed number. The
SCP (670) accesses a data-base (675) containing directory numbers for
resold lines and identifiers for competitive service providers. Once the
carrier is located, additional tables may be accessed to determine the
routing information specified by the carrier for handling the call. The
routing information is transmitted by the SCP (670) back to the SSP
(610). The SSP (610) then routes the call to the specified location.