Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), a protocol used in VoIP (Voice over IP)
communications, enables a caller to send a SIP message to a callee with
his/her UserID concealed from the callee, which in turn, prevents A SIP
server from making an attempt to manage the caller. If the same IP
Telephone address is used whenever the IP call is made, a third party may
guess the IP address easily during conversation. The SIP message sent by
the caller is converted and conversion tables are managed by the SIP
server. The IP Telephone modifies its IP address for each IP call. Thus,
the caller can make a call to the callee with his/her UserID concealed
from the callee using the SIP server with a message conversion function
and communications carriers having SIP servers installed to manage the
callers using their conversion tables. It is difficult to any malicious
third party to guess the IP Telephone address, because the IP Telephone
address is modified for each call.