A volume Bragg laser including a resonator comprising
photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) volume diffractive elements that can be
used in a laser emitting window of transparency of PTR glass to provide
control of the lasers spectral and angular parameters, and methods,
devices, apparatus and systems related thereto. The high efficiency
volume Bragg gratings recorded in photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass
preferably has an absolute diffraction efficiency exceeding approximately
95% in transmitting and reflecting modes is used for selection of a
transverse and longitudinal mode for thermal, optical and mechanical
stabilization of the volume Bragg lasers and coherent coupling of
different lasers. Robustness, compactness, thermal and laser stability
along with the ability to place several elements in the same space allows
the use of sophisticated optical system according to the invention in
fields of military lasers, optical communications, data storage and
processing, and the like.