A health information package that a person carries with him at all times with all his health data, and enables him to grant caregivers instant access to all or any part of his health data, whenever the information is needed, at all points of care anywhere in the world, in computer readable and eye readable forms. A database management software program is contained in a portable computer readable storage device of the package. A blank data recording form and an updated health overview, organized by body organ systems, problems, types and sub-types of data can be printed when desired. With the package, any standard personal computer can be used to record, update, link, integrate and display health data from birth to death. The owner has absolute control on the availability, completeness, accuracy, integrity, privacy, confidentiality, security, backups and access to his health data that are stored on the package.

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< Automated computer-implemented method and system for reorienting emission computer tomographic myocardial perfusion images

> Intravascular imaging detector

~ 00444