A method of using scrap rubber, such as tires or parts of tires, to manufacture or melt steel and other metals includes inserting into a furnace at a more precise and controlled rate, time, and location the scrap rubber. The controlled rate of insertion into the furnace, as opposed to batch feeding them, permits the use of larger quantities of scrap rubber. The net benefit includes reducing the amount of scrap rubber, such as tires, to be sent to a waste disposal facility or landfill, thereby improving the environment. In addition, by increasing the use of scrap rubber as a source of energy for steel or the metal production, less energy is required from other sources. The invention further allows the scrap rubber to be put into the furnace separate from the scrap metal that is also to be put into the furnace, thereby eliminating the known methods and techniques of combining of the scrap rubber with the steel or scrap metal prior to the placement of the scrap rubber and scrap metal into the furnace. The invention further allows the carbon monoxide that is being formed by the foamy slag process in the furnace to convert to carbon dioxide with additional heat generation inside of the furnace--a result of the catalytic effect of the tires.

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