A structure for stabilizing an earthen embankment comprises an embankment
support for restraining movement of at least a part of the embankment, a
flexible fiber geogrid (5) extending longitudinally through the
embankment from a first end portion secured to the support to a second
end portion, and anchor means (55, 60, 11) for securing one of the end
portions. The anchor means comprises a pair of anchor rods (55, 60)
extending transversely in relation to the geogrid, and means (11) for
limiting movement of the anchor rods. The end portion secured by the
anchor means is wrapped back and forth around the anchor rods so as to
tighten thereon when the geogrid is pulled in longitudinal tension away
from the anchor means. A method of anchoring a flexible fiber geogrid to
a support utilizing such anchor rods is also disclosed.