A multifunctional intercom system having message recording/retrieval
functions, a remote control unit, and music playing capabilities, wherein
the various buttons are labeled in Braille for use by hearing impaired
individuals. The intercom system comprises a main control panel, a front
door intercom/message unit, a plurality of room intercom units, and a
remote control unit, each capable of transmitting and receiving sound
from one another. The main control panel has a CD player and a clock
radio, and is capable of selectively broadcasting music to the front door
intercom/message unit and to the plurality of room intercom units.
Messages left at the front door intercom/message unit may be retrieved at
the main control panel, or by calling the intercom system from an outside
phone line. In use, the user programs a private security code into the
intercom system. Unauthorized individuals without knowledge of the
private security code are unable to access the messages left upon the
message recorder.