Disclosed is a method for preparing a mixed formulation of sustained
release microspheres with various compositions by a continuous one-step
process. The present method is characterized by preparing the mixed
formulation of sustained release microspheres with different compositions
by a continuous one-step process by continuously introducing the mixed
fluids into a dryer from the two or more different fluids for preparation
of sustained release microspheres containing a biodegradable polymer, a
drug, an additive and a solvent with different types of contents or both
of the components, by controlling the mixing ratios of the fluids
according to the time, unlike a conventional method including
spray-drying a mixture of microspheres containing a biodegradable
polymer, a drug, an additive and a solvent with a single composition. The
present method can achieve a desired drug release, which is difficult to
be obtained by conventional microspheres with a single composition, by
preparing microspheres by a continuous one-step process, and can simplify
the conventional complex process of separately preparing several
microsphere formulations and then mixing the formulations at a proper
ratio to achieve a desired drug release.