The invention relates to a universal removal device enabling a footware
item having a very short or very long upper from one or two moulds (28)
side by side and at different heights with a normal inclination of the
foot and a normal heel. The inventive device consists of two vertical
belts (1) and (2) which pinch the foot of the item in order to extract it
while remaining rotationally fixed with displacement according to the
axis A-A' of the foot, in order to subsequently tilt the belt (38) with
the aid of fingers (58) and (59). The rotation of the belts (1), (2),
(38) and (66) and the simultaneous elevation of the fingers (58) and (59)
at the same speed completes the removal of articles of any length without
folds or tensing occurring. The inventive removal device is used, in
particular, on machines which are used to form socks and tights.