An educational gaming device and method consisting of individual cards
containing personal information of specific public figures in numerous
areas, including sports, entertainment politics, such as Hip Hop and R&B,
etc. The playing cards are categorized into each of these areas. Children
can play various games with these cards based on the celebrity's personal
information. The games include word games, spelling games and
memorization games. The front of each card contains a celebrity's full
name. Based on the letters in the celebrity's name, the children playing
will create a list of words within a set time period. Children receive
points for the total number of words that are properly spelled. From the
list of words that a child identifies, he/she then will create sentences.
From the sentences created, the child will then be expected to identify
the type of word (nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and adverbs, etc).
From the sentences created, the child will also define any word that they
are not familiar with.