The present invention relates to a method of forming metallic foams using
cold spray processing. The method allows for the formation of metallic
foams on existing substrates as a layer. The method includes the steps of
providing a substrate for coating of a metallic foam; cold spraying a
mixture of metal particles and a foaming agent onto the substrate to form
a substrate coated with an unexpanded metallic layer; foam heat treating
the substrate coated with an unexpanded metallic layer at a temperature
above the decomposition temperature of the foaming agent for a time
sufficient to form a heated substrate coated with an expanded metal foam
layer; and cooling the heated substrate coated with an expanded metal
foam layer to about ambient temperature to form a cooled substrate coated
with an expanded metal foam layer. The method of forming metallic foams
on substrates finds application in the oil, gas, and chemical industry by
being an integral part of casings, pipelines, transfer lines, and other
flow lines.