A web site creation and maintenance system permits distributed control and
centralized management of a web site. The physical implementation of the
web site resides on a database maintained by a database administrator.
The web site system permits a site administrator to construct the overall
structure, design and style of the web site. This allows for a
comprehensive design as well as a common look and feel for the web site.
The web site system permits content for the web site to originate from
multiple content contributors. The publication of content is controlled
by content owners. This permits assignment of content control to those
persons familiar with the content. The web site system is also a self
service web site system for content contributors, content owners, and
site administrators. The self service system displays to users one or
more panels that contain input fields to permit the users to submit
content and web site components for publication on the web site. The
user, through use of only a web browser running on the user computer,
transmits the parameter to the web site database. In response, the web
site is updated at the database in accordance with the parameter.