A fibre channel switch element with an integrated fabric controller on a
single chip is provided. The fabric controller including a processor
module that can control various switch element functions; a
serlizer/de-serializer for converting parallel data to serial data for
transmission; an on-chip peripheral bus that allows communication between
plural components and the processor module; a processor local bus and an
interrupt controller that provides interrupts to the processor module.
The integrated fabric controller also includes a flash controller and an
external memory controller; an Ethernet controller; a Universal
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter ("UART") module that performs serial to
parallel conversion and vice-versa; an I.sup.2C module that performs
serial to parallel and parallel to serial conversion; a general-purpose
input/output interface; a real time clock module; an interrupt controller
that can receive interrupts inputs from both internal and external
sources; and a bridge to an internal PCI bus.