An temperature sensor circuit is disclosed. In one embodiment, the
temperature sensor comprises an input circuit with a current mirror for
forcing a current down a reference stage and an output stage. The
reference stage and the output stage include P-N junctions (e.g., using
bipolar transistors) with differing junction potentials. By tailoring the
resistances in the reference and output stages, the input circuit
produces two output voltages, one of which varies predictably with
temperature, and one which is stable with temperature. The input circuit
is preferably used in conjunction with an amplifier stage which
preferably receives both the temperature-sensitive and
non-temperature-sensitive outputs. Through various resistor
configurations in the amplifier stage, the output of the temperature
sensor can be made to vary at a higher sensitivity than produced by the
temperature-sensitive output of the input circuit. Moreover, as a result
of the non-temperature-sensitive output, the output of the temperature
sensor is additionally and beneficially tailored in its offset voltage in
a temperature-independent manner. The result is a flexible circuit that
can achieve very high sensitivities and near-ideal performance even at
lower power supply voltages.