A proxy apparatus and method for streaming media information via at least
one network and for building-up a good quality version of the media
information. When a user device communicates with the proxy apparatus
using a particular bandwidth and requests that media information be
provided from a media server, the proxy apparatus first determines if a
version of the media information encoded for the user device's connection
bandwidth has been stored in the proxy apparatus. If a version of the
media information encoded for the user device's bandwidth is not
available from the proxy apparatus, the proxy apparatus sends a request
to a media server for the media information. Once the media server
receives the request, the media server begins to stream a copy of the
media information encoded for the user device's bandwidth to the user
device via the network and proxy device. If a version of the media
information for the bandwidth is not available from the media server, the
version for the largest bandwidth that does not exceed the bandwidth of
the user device connection, is streamed to the user device. If the
version of the media information has missing packets, the proxy device
sends retransmission requests to the media server to obtain the missing
packets, thereby building-up a good quality version of the media