The invention concerns a method for making a section of a support strut
member of an offshore oil-drilling rig comprising steps which consist in:
a) machining each longitudinal edge of a semi-cylindrical stiffener (13)
to provide along the longitudinal edge, a lip (18) for support on a main
surface (12A) of a main plate (12), by producing along the longitudinal
edge an outer bevel (20) on the side opposite the conduit (17) defined by
the stiffener (13); b) applying a base plate (22) of the support lip (18)
to weld it with main surface (12A) of the plate (12); heating the support
lip (18) to weld it with the plate (12) and constitute a support weld
joint; and d) forming a weld bead with filler metal from outside the
conduit (17) in the space delimited between the support weld joint, the
outer bevel (20) and the main surface (12A) of the main plate (12).