The present invention provides an antiobesity composition comprising
extract of Melissa as an active ingredient, use of Melissa extract, and a
method for suppressing obesity using the composition. Also, the present
invention provides an antiobesity composition comprising extract of
Melissa and extract of Mori Folium as active ingredients, use of a
mixture of Melissa extract and Mori Folium extract, and a method for
suppressing obesity using the composition. Further, the present invention
provides an antiobesity composition comprising extract of Melissa,
extract of Artemisia and extract of Mori Folium as active ingredients,
use of a mixture of Melissa extract, Artemisia extract and Mori Folium
extract, and a method for suppressing obesity using the composition. When
the present compositions are administrated into genetically obese mice or
high fat diet-induced obese mice, the present compositions reduced body
weight, body fat and gonadal fat, and reduce blood cholesterol level and
obesity-related blood glucose level. Also, the present compositions
suppress hypertrophy of adipocytes, and inhibit the accumulation of lipid
in the liver by reducing the size and number of lipid vacuoles.
Furthermore, in human clinial trial the present compositions show that
body weight, PIBW, body fat, especially visceral fat, apolipoprotin B
concentration, ratio of total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol and ratio of
LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol are significantly decreased, and
atherogenic index is improved and muscle mass is increased. Thus, the
present compositions can be usefully applied as antiobesity composition
for reduction of body weight and suppression of abdominal fat,
particularly, visceral fat.