A vehicle (1) has an epicyclic gearing (3) with three rotational members
(5, 7, 9). Rotational member (9) is connected to a load formed by the
wheels (17) of a vehicle. Rotational member (5) is connected to a
flywheel (11) and rotational member (7) is connected to an engine (13).
The vehicle (1) furthermore comprises a transmission-unit (19), embodied
either as a conventional or as a automated manual transmission-unit, with
two in/outputs (21, 23). In/output (21) is connected to the rotational
member (7) and in/output (23) is connected to the third rotational member
(9). A force-closed clutch (25) with slip capacity is located between
in/output (21) and rotational member (7). With this transmission-system,
the wheels (17) remain driven by the engine (13), also during
disengagement of the clutch (25).