A circulating fluidized bed boiler having improved reactant utilization.
The circulating fluidized bed boiler includes a circulating fluidized bed
having a dense bed portion; a lower furnace portion adjacent to the dense
bed portion; and an upper furnace portion, wherein the dense bed portion
of the circulating fluidized bed boiler is maintained below the
stoichiometric ratio (fuel rich stage) and the lower furnace portion is
maintained above the stoichiometric ratio (fuel lean stage), thereby
reducing the formation of NOx.; a reactant to reduce the emission of at
least one combustion product in the flue gas; and a plurality of
secondary air injection ports downstream of the circulating fluidized bed
for providing mixing of the reactant and the flue gas in the furnace
above the dense bed, wherein the amount of reactant required for the
reduction of the emission of the combustion product is reduced. In a
preferred embodiment, the circulating fluidized bed boiler may further
include a return system for returning carry over particles from the flue
gas to the circulating fluidized bed.