A facsimile network includes a plurality of nodes (10)-(14) which are
disposed at different locations in the world. An originating fax machine
(16) is associated with one of the nodes (10) for transmitting a fax over
a local public telephone network (PSTN) (18). When the node (10) receives
the fax transmission in the normal transmission mode, it then converts it
to a digitized compressed and encrypted image which is transmitted over a
primary network (24), such as the Internet, to a destination node (14) by
a predetermined route. The node (14) then decompresses and de-encrypts
the image and converts it to a facsimile image for transmission to a
destination fax (20) in a normal mode over a local PSTN (22). A node (12)
operates as a central node which can also receive the transmission for
routing directly to the fax or for directing via another network link to
the node (14).