Disclosed is a tool for turning a hex screw at the top of a denture
compress containing denture flasks which comprises a hex key wrench
having a shaft of finite length. Turning the hex screw in one direction
causes pressure to be applied to a plate beneath it, and to the denture
flasks within the compress. At one end of the shaft there is a handle
perpendicular to the shaft, a T-handle. At the opposite end of the shaft
a plurality of hex keys of different sizes are formed, in a contiguous
relationship, the largest hex key being closest to the shaft and the
smallest being furthest from the shaft. The T-handled hex key is
supported by a frame which is attached to a flat base plate. The frame is
perpendicular to the plane of the base plate, which has either within its
surface or on its surface means for temporarily securing the dental
compress thereto.