A microprocessor-controlled data-processing system is used to process key
strokes from a musical keyboard and output a series of note events (e.g.,
via midi) to a tone-producing device. The microprocessor runs software
which splits the keyboard into at least two zones: A root-select zone
which consists of at least one octave of keys, and a strum-trigger zone.
Pre-determined notes lists, or chords, are stored in an array in the
system's memory. The array classifies the note lists according to (1)
chord root (C, C#, D, etc.), and (2) chord type (e.g., major, minor,
etc.). Different keys within the strum-trigger zone are pre-assigned to
different chord types. Depression of a strum-trigger key as a root-select
key is depressed causes the data-processing system to (1) select one of
the note lists, and (2) output an arpeggio of the notes contained within
the selected list. The note list is selected from the array based on the
root note corresponding with the depressed root-select key and the chord
type corresponding with the depressed strum-trigger key. Hence, each
strum-trigger key performs the dual function of chord type selection and
strum triggering.