Improvements in methods by which new or used coal fired boilers whether
designed for coal or oil or natural gas firing can substantially improve
their technical operation and reduce their capital and operating costs by
implementing process steps that (a) minimize the adverse impacts of coal
ash and slag on boiler surfaces and particulate emissions, which will
improve coal combustion efficiency and facilitate the use of oil or gas
designed boilers for coal firing, (b) drastically reduce the loss of
water used to transport coal in slurry form to power plants, (c) minimize
the combined total nitrogen oxides (NO.sub.x), sulfur dioxide (SO.sub.2),
mercury (Hg), and carbon dioxide (CO.sub.2) emissions, (d) separate and
permanently sequester carbon dioxide and (e) improve the coal and solid
fuel combustion efficiency. In the method includes whereby slag formed
from solid fuel ashes during combustion in boilers or furnaces is
suppressed by introducing additional air in a post-primary combustion
zone to lower the combustion gas temperatures below temperatures at which
the ash softens or liquefies and adheres to boiler or furnace surfaces.