It has been discovered that a mechanical flotation system (10) having only
two cells (18, 20) can be nearly as efficient as one having more cells,
yet provide an apparatus with a considerably smaller footprint,
significantly reduced capital and operating costs, as well as be
resistant to floating oil recovery platform wave effects. The dual-cell
mechanical flotation system (10) has, in sequential order, an inlet
chamber (16) and two gasification chambers or cells (18, 20), each with
at least one gas ingestion and mixing mechanism (32), and a discharge
chamber (24). A common primary skim collection channel (40) atop the
partition (44) dividing the gasification chambers (18, 20) efficiently
channels away the bulk of the floating collected matter. At least one
baffle (60) depending from the top of the vessel (12) near the primary
skim collection channel (40) helps dampen the action of the fluid
containing the suspended matter when the vessel (12) is affected by wave
motion against the floating oil production platform. The liquid or froth
levels (50, 66, and 76) can be intermittently raised for collection or
otherwise lowered during periods of excessive turbulence (e.g. pitch or
roll) to prevent clarified liquid from being collected with suspended