The present invention relates to recombinant blood coagulation factor IX
(rFIX) mutants having factor VIII (FVIII) independent factor X (FX)
activation potential. Five full length FIX proteins with combinations of
mutations of amino acids important for functional activity of FIX and FIX
wild type were cloned and expressed in HEK 293 cells. The proteins were
tested by an activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay in
FVIII-depleted plasma as well as in FVIII-inhibited patient plasma. In
FVIII-depleted plasma functional activity of the FIX mutants was
calculated as increased FVIII equivalent activity. The mutant proteins
had increased FVIII equivalent activity. In FVIII-inhibited patient
plasma the FEIBA equivalent activity was calculated for analysis of FVIII
independent FX activation potential. The proteins had also increased
FEIBA equivalent activity. Furthermore, the pre-activated FIX proteins
had an increased activity in FIX-depleted plasma containing FVIII
inhibitors. Therefore these FIX mutants are alternatives as bypassing
agents for treatment of FVIII inhibitor patients.