A method, and a device are disclosed for logging management information
during a call completion process in an Internet call-waiting environment
The logging of information is performed by an ICW application server (4)
that is connected to an ICW web server (3). The ICW application server
(4) may also handle provisioning-requests coming from the ICW web server
(3), may offer tools used by a helpdesk and the operational maintenance,
may store user-profiles of ICW users, may play a role during the
execution of the ICW service. During the execution of the ICW service the
ICW application server (4) can communicate to an ICW client (10). The ICW
application server (4) may also comprise an interface for accessing, by
humans or devices, the information that is logged. The disclosed method
for the logging of information comprises the creation of a service detail
record (200) that comprises parameters. Values can be assigned to the
parameters during the provisioning and/or the execution of the ICW
service. A parameter can be related to information about the call to be
completed, or to information about the call completion process.