The invention relates to a liquid crystal mixed-composition comprising one
or more cellulose derivatives and one or more liquid crystal compounds
(preferably low-molecular liquid crystal compound) which can be oriented
in a specific direction differing from that of the cellulose derivative,
wherein the ratio by weight of the both is preferably in a range from 1:9
to 9:1, a retardation film produced using the composition, a circularly
or elliptically polarizing film using the retardation film and an image
display device provided with a circularly or elliptically polarizing
film. The liquid crystal mixed-composition can be easily oriented in a
specific direction on a rubbed substrate. If this orientation is fixed, a
retardation film can be easily obtained which has such wavelength
dispersion characteristics that the same level of retardation can be
imparted to each wavelength in a wide visible region.