A camshaft phaser comprising first and second harmonic gear drive (HD)
units disposed in back-to-back relationship. Each HD includes an
elliptical wave generator (WG), a flexspline (FS) deformable by the WG,
and a circular spline (CS) for engaging the FS. A dynamic spline (DS)
connects the first and second FSs. The first HD is an input HD driven by
an engine crankshaft via a sprocket wheel connected to the input CS. The
second HD is an output HD driving an engine camshaft. The DS is meshed
with both the input FS and the output FS. The phase relationship between
the crankshaft and the camshaft may be changed by changing the angular
relationship between the first and second WGs. Such change is effected by
holding the first WG stationary and varying the angular position of the
second WG via an electric motor.