A device and a method for reading out adaptation values of self-adapting functions from a motor vehicle control unit to an external readout unit are provided. The device consists of a motor vehicle control unit, an external readout unit, and a communication interface between the external readout unit and the motor vehicle control unit, the motor vehicle control unit including a nonvolatile memory for storing adapted parameters or parameter sets of the self-adapting functions. The motor vehicle control unit additionally includes a receiver for receiving at least one test value set transmitted by the external readout unit, a calculation unit for calculating at least one adaptation value as a function of the test value set and the adapted parameters or parameter sets, and a transmitter for transmitting the at least one calculated adaptation value to the external readout unit.

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< Paper softening compositions containing low levels of high molecular weight polymers and soft tissue paper products comprising said compositions

> Method and device for warning a driver of lane departure

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