The present invention provides a nonwoven web or laminate having at least
one surface with abrasion resistance and a low degree of free fibers on
the surface. Also provided is a lofty nonwoven web laminate from
multicomponent fibers having at least one surface with improved abrasion
resistance and reduced fuzziness over other multicomponent fiber nonwoven
webs. This nonwoven webs and laminate can be used where nonwoven webs and
laminates are currently used, but are particularly suitable as a filter
media. Also described is a method for producing a nonwoven web having at
least one abrasion resistant surface. The process includes using a liner
material between the forming surface and the forming nonwoven web,
wherein the liner is removed after the nonwoven web is bonded. Removing
the liner exposes the abrasion resistant surface of the nonwoven web or