The invention relates to a method and a simulator (1) for identifying
and/or tapping a mobile terminal (7) in a digital cellular mobile radio
network, in which data is transmitted according to a code multiplex
method. The aim of the invention is to enable a terminal (7) to be
identified in a mobile radio network, in which data is transmitted
according to a code multiplex method and if required to enable the
tapping of conversations that are conducted via the mobile telephone. To
achieve this: a simulator (1) is positioned in close proximity to the
terminal (7) to be identified; the parameters that are relevant to the
data transmission of base stations (6) in the mobile radio network that
are in close proximity to the simulator (1) are determined by a measuring
system (3; 11) and are transferred to the simulator (1); the simulator
(1) is operated as a new base station (2), taking into consideration the
determined parameters, but having another location area code; the
terminal to be identified (7) recognizes the simulator (1) as a new base
station (2) and logs on to said station using its identification
parameters; the terminal (7) is identified by means of the transmitted
identification parameters; after identification, the terminal (7) is
redirected to a GSM mobile radio network.