This invention addresses how an end user can create an electroluminescent
device (1, 31) using basic components obtained by the end user as retail
items. The layers or subassemblies (15, 17) are created first. Then the
layers are assembled to form a completed device customized as selected by
the end user. The subassemblies may be created layer-by-layer by thermal
inkjet. Elements used typically will be made by manufacturers and sold
commercially separately. This encompasses the printing of conductive
patterns for electroluminescence on paper. In one aspect a display has a
main body that may be permanent and useful indefinitely, while a part
carrying the conductive pattern defining the display is readily removed
and is replaced by another such part on which a new conductive pattern is
printed. For tight contact with the main body, the display provides
releasable pressure. Air pockets are minimized with a thin layer of
highly viscous dielectric liquid.